Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Like greyhounds in the slips..

Happy Fucking New Year!

Well folks, the New Year should be in full swing for most of you, I’m sure. How upsetting to be back behind the LCD screens instead of in the ocean, dreaming of a life filled with leisure and less work. MY second day back at the grind finds my mind wondering reminiscently about what actually happened last year. Looking back, I appreciate the beginning and end, the haze of good times, not so good times and fantastic times. I see you standing like greyhounds in the slips. Bated breath and all…

According to Urban Dictionary:
“Change... it happens every second of every day...it happens when you grow. When you change scenery...everyone changes...it all depends on if it is good or bad”

Let me be inspirational here for a sec. Give U.D an ass-kicking on the philosophical crap front. I’ve decided to grab this proverbial bull by the horns, face the year head on, no holds barred, challenge myself and hopefully inspire change in those around me. Take a leaf out of my book. I implore you; go skydiving for your birthday as I am. Travel the world. Better yet, come to Thailand with me at the end of 2011. As I’m improving your reading pleasure with my blog upgrades, I also look forward to my hopeful sideline project, while dipping my toes into the music scene. With so much to do and the excitement of what’s to come so near on that glorious horizon, buckling up would be my advice. We are in for an adventure of a lifetime! 2011, the year for change, spontaneity, journeys that would make grown men curl up into foetal-like positions. A year of ambivalence, and pushing oneself to the extremes. This should be the year we come in to our own. A year where I will say (and it would do you all the good in the world to do the same):

“If you don’t like it, do not get in my way, I’m not moving for anyone!”

2011, I’m gonna make you my bitch.
And greyhounds, keep reading, and enjoying.
Peace and love

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